Friday, January 2, 2009

Green Living For Dummies

What an awesomely-green find! I credit my ingenious husband for this great stocking stuffer! -run one- -run all- to the $1 bin at Target. They have a huge variety of "For Dummies" books.... little paperback purse size or for perfect bathroom reading material (ha!) Green Living For Dummies... the "pocket edition" has great tips on why to be greener, how to make your home healthier and more efficient, minimizing trash, and greening your diet!

1 comment:

Amanda Miller said...

I go to Target all of the time and have not seen these at our store here in Peoria. I am going to have to go back and check again this week as it looks really cool and I love the for Dummies series as it helps me to leran lots of new things and to break down otherwise complicated things. Thanks for the great reading find!!